Sunday, November 2, 2008

Must Vent

Even if I don't write very often, it's so nice to have a place to dump these things I don't want to mention anywhere else!

My husband knows this guy who ... um... likes to put it in the back door, shall we say. And he's told my husband that if a girl won't let him do that, then she doesn't make the cut as a long term girlfriend.

I cannot tell you how much I wish I did NOT have this piece of information. Every time we see him and he's dating somebody new, the first thing I wonder is if they've gotten to that stage yet. You know how embarrassing it is for that to be what I think of when I'm meeting somebody I'm supposed to try to become friends with? Either I'm looking at her thinking, wow, she takes it up the rear and I know all about it, or I'm wondering if she won't be his girlfriend anymore the next time I see him. I want to ask her, "so, has he asked to stick it anywhere interesting yet?" Or if they break up, I wonder if it's because she wouldn't. I do not want to be imagining this person's sex life, and it's not that I even care about the particulars. It's just that knowing this is a dealbreaker for him- makes me wonder how often it actually breaks the deal. It's uncomfortable knowing details about somebody's bedroom habits when that's the ONLY thing you know about her.


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA HA! It would be so tempting to say something to her! Confidingly!

Constance the Super said...


I love hearing dirty gossip, but not when it makes me think about close friends doing things to each other. Certain things give me more of a mental picture and that one you mentioned is the worst.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! How terrible for you to have a first impression of someone that may or may not be correct, and to not know how or if you can even correct it.

I always say I want to know the gossip, but then when I actually learn it, it usually turns out that I didn't want to know what I now know. Know what I mean?

Constance Free said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That is hilarious- thank you for making me laugh.