Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wow, Something's Working!

So... I went to the doctor Thursday. I have high triglycerides, which he says are stress related. I had no idea. But also, no kidding! Anything in my body that could be affected by stress is definitely going to be right now! He went through a list of questions and sent me home armed with Prozac. I've had two doses so far and I'm not sure how long to wait before I can be conclusively sure that it's the meds- but these have been the two best consecutive days I can remember in a long time. I'm happy. I'm peaceful. I'm productive. My house is cleaner, I'm not snapping at the kids, and I'm not even eating. I told him I'm a horrible emotional eater and I've gained 25 pounds since Christmas. I had started Weight Watchers two weeks ago, and he said keep on it, and also that a common side effect of Prozac is appetite suppression, so it maybe would help. I have ten points left today- I'm going to have to find something to eat before I go to bed. Usually at this time of day I'm feeling guilty and using a few of the extra weekly 35 they give you. I've lost 4 pounds and I really feel like this time I'm going to keep on it. I'd love to lose at least 50.

I suppose there's still time to fall off the wagon- I hate to even publish this for fear of jinxing the good work. But for now, these drugs are magic.


Human Microbiome Search Engine said...

You said:
"But for now, these drugs are magic."

I hate to take any medications, which makes my doctors very upset with me. However, if they work for you, that's great. Good luck and best wishes.

Constance the Super said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better!