Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Internal Gauge

I don't get that many public opportunities for cussing, what with being near the kids all day and having not many places to go at night without them. And that's probably good for me- I suppose I don't need to sound like a drunken sailor ALL the time. I have a few friends that I can cuss in front of, but most of them don't do it very much and I feel like a Bad Girl when I do it. So it's gone internal.

I can gauge my mood, even when I don't feel particularly stressed or think I'm in a bad mood, by how many times I say the word fuck in my head in any given day. What the fuck. There's no WAY you have to pee again. Why are you little fuckers out of bed again? And my new favorite: What the BLEEDING FUCK do you think you're doing?

I am not even mad at them most of the time. But I can tell it's going to be an emotional eating kind of a day when I keep referring to all kids and situation as fucking objects.


Constance 50 said...

I'm a horrible cusser! My favorite right now is "fuckery". We don't have kids yet and that is going to be SO HARD to change when we do. My parents cussed a lot and still do. Which is why I talk like a truck driver.

Constance the Super said...

There's a lot of cussing at my house. Also, hubby mocks the people he works with and their racial slurs. File that under shit that has to go before kids arrive. Little ones don't do well with sarcasm and irony--they just repeat.

I know it's bad when I say those things out loud. Usually it's just under my breath. Like when a kid (accidentally) flicked a pen cap across the room and hit me. I was facing away so it wasn't so bad, but about 2 kids did hear me say, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Teacher of the year.