Thursday, February 19, 2009


I feel the need to shout the praises of this device, and it's just not something I'm terribly comfortable with discussing on my other blog. My husband reads that one and he's already told me in no uncertain terms he does NOT want to hear anything about how this thing works or what it is at all.

But anyway. I got a Diva Cup. I've been hearing about them for quite awhile now, mostly in relation to buying one before Y2k in case tampons are no longer available, or crazy fringe environmentalist extremists. It sounded really gross and inconvenient and possibly uncomfortable and I was quite happy to buy feminine hygiene products every month and throw them in the landfill thankyouverymuch. I just wasn't ready.

Now I have kids, I'm more comfortable with my body, I'm trying to stick to a better budget, and also trying to get a little more green. I read about it again and while I was still skeptical, I took a leap of faith and bought one. It was $36.99 at Central Market and since I won't have to buy anything else ever, it will pay for itself pretty quickly and then begin to save me money.

I had serious reservations and questions about this thing.

Can I actually get it inserted properly? Will it be uncomfortable? Will it leak? Will it really gross me out and not be worth using?

There's definitely a learning curve to putting it in and taking it out. Read the directions. They're pretty specific and good. It took me a few tries and then when I thought I had it right, I walked around a few minutes and then went to sit down at my desk and it was poking and pinching. No good. It's supposed to pop open and if it doesn't, the suction will getcha. I almost gave up on it, but then I'd have wasted my $37 so I tried again, and got the hang of it. And damn, I love it.

This is my second month of using it and I have not had even one tiny bit of leakage at all. The only problem is making sure I lock the bathroom door so that my kids don't bust in and demand way more information than I want to give out at their tender ages. But if they do come in, or if I'm in a public restroom or something, it doesn't have to be emptied every time you pee. I really hate trying to pee with a tampon because the string gets wet and feels gross. This is great because nothing sticks out and it's all contained.

I was surprised by how little actually collects in there, considering when I would have leaks previously it felt like it made a huge mess. It holds half an ounce at a time, which is WAY more space than is needed.

Anyway... I don't usually rave on and on about products, but I feel like it took me longer to get used to it because it's not like I can just start asking people if they have trouble removing and emptying stuff out of their crotches. So if there was a question you had about it, feel free to ask. :) Public service to anyone who might need it. I'm glad I decided to try it out- it makes me feel really happy on so many levels.


Anonymous said...

I am SO INTERESTED to read a personal report of this device. I want one myself! I wish they'd make them in prettier colors/designs, though. I want a Hello Kitty one!

Kate said...

I've been wanting to try it for a long time. Nothing works well for me--everything leaks. Like tampons will be half dry, but they're still leaking (WTH?). And the pee on the string thing? I wondered if I was the only one--do other people go 6 hours without peeing, manage to not pee on the string, or not care when they have a pee soaked string in their undies. ((shudder))

I think I'm going to take the plunge and get one. Plus, I used a cervical cap, so I should be able to figure this thing out, right? Thanks so much for sharing your experience!!

Shoeaddict said...

I would be very interested in trying this too. Tampons aren't always comfortable for me and wearing a diaper (pad) is not always enough or very fun.

The problem for me and the Diva Cup is that there are none sold in my area. I could get one in Houston or Pensacola- the closest two places to me.

Kate said... sells them.

Word verification is SALTINE.